Jenny Everett King: Therapeutic Consultant


Jenny Everett King taught yoga and mindfulness full-time for over ten years before deciding to pursue a career in clinical social work, with a focus on trauma therapy. During graduate school, she developed an interest in vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout in the mental health field. Jenny has since presented her research to local agencies and has written about vicarious trauma prevention and resolution for mental health practitioners, first responders, and other human service professionals. She believes that adequate, knowledgeable, compassionate support for providers is a crucial element in addressing New Hampshire’s current substance use and mental health crises.

Born and raised in New England, Jenny holds a BA in Liberal Studies in the Great Books from Saint Anselm College (2002), and a Master of Social Work from the University of New Hampshire (2018). Jenny and her husband Jake have four children, ranging from kindergarten to middle school. She divides her free time between writing, reading, kickboxing, yoga, and hiking.